Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Degtyarov PPD-34, PPD-34/38 and PPD-40 submachine gun

Degtyarov PPD-34 submachine gun

Degtyarov PPD-34/38 submachine gun, top and PPD-40 submachine gun, bottom

Caliber: 7,62x25mm Tokarev (7.63mm Mauser)
Weight: 3,23 kg w/o magazine; 3,66kg with loaded 25-round magazine, 5,4 kg with loaded 71 rounds drum (PPD-40)
Length: 788 mm
Barrel length: 279 mm
Rate of fire: 800 rounds per minute (PPD-34); 900-1000 rounds per minute (PPD-40)
Magazine capacity: 71 rounds drums (also 25 rounds box magazines in PPD-34 and PPD-34/38)
Effective range: 200 meters

The PPD (Pistolet-Pulemyot Degtyarova) had been developed by famous Russian small arms designer Fedor Degtyarov by 1934. It was formally adopted by the Red Army in 1935 and entered limited production as the PPD-34. Made in small numbers, it was mostly relegated for NKVD use, mostly for border guards. Slightly modified in 1938, it was then produced until 1939 in PPD-34/38 variation, with newly developed 71 rounds drum with long neck. After the Winter War experience (1940 war between USSR and Finland), new version of PPD has been rapidly developed, with the most visible change being the two-part stock, cut to accept new pattern of drums, which had no neck. This became the PPD-40. After the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War in 1941, it was soon been discovered that the PPD-40 is less than ideal for wartime production, so it was quickly replaced by the more efficient and inexpensive PPSh-41, which appeared in great numbers and was widely used by Red Army.

The PPD-34 was a conventional arm of its period, being greatly inspired by the Bergmann-Schmeisser MP28 submachine gun. All versions of PPD were simple blowback weapons and all fired from open bolt. Machined receiver and vented barrel shroud were of round cross-section. PPD were fitted with tangent type rear sights, rather optimistically marked up to 500 meters. Models of 1934 and 1938 vintage had single piece wooden stocks, while last model of 1940 had two piece stock with distinctive cut made for magazine housing. All versions were capable of semi-automatic and full automatic fire. Fire mode selector was located in front of the triggerguard; separate safety was built into the cocking handle and was used to lock the bolt either in cocked or uncocked (forward) position.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blyskawica submachine gun


Blyskawica submachine gun

Caliber 9x19mm Luger / Parabellum
Weight 3,2 kg empty
Length (stock closed/open) 556 / 730 mm
Barrel length 197 mm
Rate of fire ~600 rounds per minute
Magazine capacity 32 rounds

Blyskawica submachine gun (Pistolet maszynowy Błyskawica in Poilish language; "Błyskawica" means "Lightning") was developed and built by Polish resistance groups that fought Nazi Germany during the WW2. The gun was based on the British Sten, but with certain modifications in regard to the feed, trigger unit and shoulder stock. About 700 Blyskawica submachine guns were built in 1943-45 by underground workshops, run by Polish resistance groups.

The Blyskawica submachine gun is a simple blowback operated weapon which fires from open bolt, in full automatic mode only. Feed is from double stack, single feed magazine copied from the British Sten, magazine housing is located below the gun. The manual safety is located inside the trigger guard, in front of the trigger. Gun is equipped with the bottom-folding shoulder stock, inspired by the German MP.40 submachine gun. Sights are fixed, with forward post and rear aperture.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

PM-98, PM98S and PM-06 submachine gun


PM-98 submachine gun, buttstock retracted

PM-06 submachine gun, buttstock retracted, with optional red-dot sight

PM-06 submachine gun, buttstock collapsed

Caliber 9x19mm Luger / Parabellum
Weight 2.3 kg empty 2.5 kg empty
Length (stock closed/open) 405 / 605 mm 395 / 610 mm
Barrel length 185 mm 185 mm
Rate of fire 640 rounds per minute
770 rounds per minute PM-98S
640 rounds per minute
Magazine capacity 15 or 25 rounds 15 or 25 rounds

The PM-98 submachine gun was developed in Poland as an improved version of the PM-84P Glauberyt submachine gun. The PM-98 shares same internal design, but features redesigned polymer handguard and charging handle. The magazine release catch was relocated to the base of trigger guard to faciltate faster reloading, and therefore magazines are not interchangeable between PM-84P Glauberyt and PM-98 submachine guns. The PM-06 is the latest version of the same line-up, and differs from the PM-98 submacine gun by having different buttstock (with three adjustable reatracted positions), improved front sight protection and a Picatinny rail on the top of receiver as a standard feature. A semi-automatic version of the PM-98 is manufactured for police and civilian (where legal) markets as BRS-99, in carbine (with buttstock) or pistol(without buttstock) form.

The PM-98 submachine gun is a simple blowback operated weapon that fires from closed bolt. Submachne gun features internal hammer unit and a rate-of-fire reduction mechanism (which is absent in the PM-98S version). Gun can fire in single shots or in full automatic mode, thanks to the combined fire mode selector / safety switch, located on the left side of receiver. It also features a bolt hold-open mechanism, with bolt release lever located in front of the safety / selector lever, above the grip. The single charging handle is located on the left side of the gun (as opposed to the PM-84). The polymer forend is hollowed at the front to provide installation point for a tactical flashlight or a laser aiming module. The buttsock is retractable, with dual stamped steel struts. The rear sight is adjustable for zeroing and is set for 75 meters range.


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